Who needs an abortion?

If we start a discussion on who needs an abortion, what do you think will be the response of the majority? Women! But in reality, women are not the only one who might need an abortion. Many activists have been advocating for women's rights for many years. We have been…

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The Power of Parlance

Regardless of where we hail from, stories in the form of novels, dramas, telltale folks, or even songs are a part of all of our childhoods. Depending on our locality, our region, the medium may differ, but we grow up with this one inevitable similarity. What we hear or read…

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A Shift in Perspective: From Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice

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Although the fight for reproductive justice had begun decades back, the term reproductive justice was coined back in 1994. This was just before the historic 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo when a group of African American women gathered in Chicago after having realised that the women…

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Telemedicine; A solution to address access To Safe Abortion during COVID-19

About 19% of the total world population reside in the Asia Pacific Region, among which 60% account for the world’s youth population, aged 15-24 years. The youths include a diverse representation of adolescent girls and young women, young migrants, and refugees, youth living in rural areas, young persons with disabilities,…

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Radio Program: Khuldulee.com

Its nearly a year of relationship with the national radio station Radio Audio Pvt. Ltd. YoSHAN has been collaborating with Radio Audio's most celebrated and cherished weekly radio program-खुलदुली.com. This September we bring you more information on the program as we are joining hands to celebrate "The Global Day of…

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All Going To Be OK

Ms. Lirisha Tuladhar is our Youth Champion. Ms. Tuladhar is a passionate activist who works in women's right to safe and legal abortion service. Lirisha puts her writing into beautiful words to celebrate the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. We had fallen in love...…

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महामारीको बेला सुरक्षित गर्भपतन सेवा

संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघले सन् २०१९ मा प्रकाशन गरेको एक प्रतिबेदन अनुसार, हरेक चार गर्भहरु मध्ये एक गर्भ अनिच्छित रहेको पाइएको छ । अनिच्छित गर्भका विभिन्न कारणहरु हुन सक्छन् जस्तै, बलात्कार, गर्भ निरोधकको असफलता, गर्भनिरोधक साधनहरु उपलब्ध नहुनु, सुचनाको कमी, आदि । अनिच्छित गर्भले, व्यक्तिको शारीरिक तथा मानसिक स्वास्थ्यमा नकारात्मक असर…

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Menstruation is normal physiological process which takes place each month among girls and women of reproductive age. The major symptom is bleeding through vaginal canal for 4 to 5 days, usually along with  dysmenorrhoea i.e lower abdominal  pain and back ache in some cases. This is what a young girls hear…

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Pandemic and Menstrual Hygiene

Globally, at least 500 million women and girls lack proper access to menstrual hygiene facilities. Due to cultural norms and stigmas, many girls are not adequately informed about the realities of menstruation. And they are facing restrictions and discrimination during periods like not being allowed to use water and sanitation facilities and in…

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