Telemedicine; A solution to address access To Safe Abortion during COVID-19

About 19% of the total world population reside in the Asia Pacific Region, among which 60% account for the world’s youth population, aged 15-24 years. The youths include a diverse representation of adolescent girls and young women, young migrants, and refugees, youth living in rural areas, young persons with disabilities,…

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Radio Program:

Its nearly a year of relationship with the national radio station Radio Audio Pvt. Ltd. YoSHAN has been collaborating with Radio Audio's most celebrated and cherished weekly radio program-खुलदुली.com. This September we bring you more information on the program as we are joining hands to celebrate "The Global Day of…

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All Going To Be OK

Ms. Lirisha Tuladhar is our Youth Champion. Ms. Tuladhar is a passionate activist who works in women's right to safe and legal abortion service. Lirisha puts her writing into beautiful words to celebrate the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. We had fallen in love...…

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Menstruation is normal physiological process which takes place each month among girls and women of reproductive age. The major symptom is bleeding through vaginal canal for 4 to 5 days, usually along with  dysmenorrhoea i.e lower abdominal  pain and back ache in some cases. This is what a young girls hear…

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यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषता सम्बन्धीका अत्यन्तै आधारभूत शब्दवाली र तिनका परिभाषाहरू

यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषता सम्बन्धीका अत्यन्तै आधारभूत शब्दवाली र तिनका परिभाषाहरू यौन विशेषता (Sex characteristics) : यौन विशेषता भन्नाले मानिसको यौनाङ्ग वा प्रजनन अङ्गबाट छुट्टिने शारीरिकी भिन्नता हो । लैङ्गिक पहिचान (Gender identity) : लैङ्गिक पहिचान भन्नाले हरेक व्यक्तिको भित्री मन वा अन्तरात्माबाट लैङ्गिकता सम्बन्धी आएको व्यक्तिगत…

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यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषतामा YoSHAN को मान्यता

यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषतामा YoSHAN को मान्यता बद्लिँदो सामाजिक परिवेश र सिमान्कृत समुदाय, समूह तथा वर्गहरूले आफ्नो हक अधिकारका निम्ति आवाज उठाउँदै गर्दा सामाजिक रूपमा स्वीकार्यत नरहेका लैङ्गिक तथा यौनिक विविधताका समूहहरूको पनि आवाज उत्तिकै बुलन्द हुँदै गएको छ । त्यसै गरी सामाजिक मान्यता भन्दा पर लैङ्गिक…

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SARJAI joint statement

South Asia Reproductive Justice and Accountability Initiative (SARJAI) issued a joint statement calling on the Governments across South Asia to comply with their Constitutional as well as International Human Rights Treaty Obligations and ensure access to essential sexual and reproductive health services during Covid-19 crisis. The SARJAI is a network…

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COVID19: Tele-medicine in Reproductive Health in Nepal

Our core team member Anjila Thapa had recently published her article on tele-medicine in reproductive health in context of Nepal. The article facilitated by YoSHAN was published in SpotLight Nepal. You can access the original article here. The term telemedicine was coined in the 1970s, and literally means, “Healing at…

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education is Right to information; Denial is discrimination

Sex has long been taboo for implicit reasons, any word attached with “sex” is highly stigmatised, and people become hyperventilated.  People’s understanding of sexuality differs from each other; with a majority of them, understanding sexuality as synonymous with sex and Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is seen as a method to…

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Young People are not beneficiaries, we are the Agents of Change

Reminiscing time from my mid adolescence of when had a vaginal infection, I visited the gynaecological department of a government run hospital near my house.  I was very nervous in the first place because sexual health and reproductive health issues of young people is usually scrutinised and tabooed. I mustered…

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