We write blogs on various topics related to sexual health and reproduction. Feel comfortable and free to read our blogs and pour your feelings in the comments.
Who needs an abortion?
If we start a discussion on who needs an abortion, what do you think will be the response of the majority? Women! But in reality, women are not the only one who might need an abortion. Many activists have been advocating for women’s rights for many years. We have been fighting for women worldwide to […]
Children are NOT Gift of God
I have always been a child-lover since my childhood. I used to enjoy myself playing with two-three year old children. I have carried all the small babies of my neighborhood. Whenever I asked my mother about how I was born, my mother used to tell me God kept me in her stomach and after a […]
The Power of Parlance
Regardless of where we hail from, stories in the form of novels, dramas, telltale folks, or even songs are a part of all of our childhoods. Depending on our locality, our region, the medium may differ, but we grow up with this one inevitable similarity. What we hear or read goes on to shape the […]
A Shift in Perspective: From Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice
Although the fight for reproductive justice had begun decades back, the term reproductive justice was coined back in 1994. This was just before the historic 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo when a group of African American women gathered in Chicago after having realised that the women and reproductive rights movement then […]
Telemedicine; A solution to address access To Safe Abortion during COVID-19
About 19% of the total world population reside in the Asia Pacific Region, among which 60% account for the world’s youth population, aged 15-24 years. The youths include a diverse representation of adolescent girls and young women, young migrants, and refugees, youth living in rural areas, young persons with disabilities, young people of different sexual […]
Radio Program:
Its nearly a year of relationship with the national radio station Radio Audio Pvt. Ltd. YoSHAN has been collaborating with Radio Audio’s most celebrated and cherished weekly radio program-खुलदुली.com. This September we bring you more information on the program as we are joining hands to celebrate “The Global Day of Action for Access to Safe […]
All Going To Be OK
Ms. Lirisha Tuladhar is our Youth Champion. Ms. Tuladhar is a passionate activist who works in women’s right to safe and legal abortion service. Lirisha puts her writing into beautiful words to celebrate the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. We had fallen in love… Madly … Deeply.. Truly.. Our […]
महामारीको बेला सुरक्षित गर्भपतन सेवा
संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघले सन् २०१९ मा प्रकाशन गरेको एक प्रतिबेदन अनुसार, हरेक चार गर्भहरु मध्ये एक गर्भ अनिच्छित रहेको पाइएको छ । अनिच्छित गर्भका विभिन्न कारणहरु हुन सक्छन् जस्तै, बलात्कार, गर्भ निरोधकको असफलता, गर्भनिरोधक साधनहरु उपलब्ध नहुनु, सुचनाको कमी, आदि । अनिच्छित गर्भले, व्यक्तिको शारीरिक तथा मानसिक स्वास्थ्यमा नकारात्मक असर पुर्याउन सक्छ र अझ डरलाग्दो, […]
Menstruation is normal physiological process which takes place each month among girls and women of reproductive age. The major symptom is bleeding through vaginal canal for 4 to 5 days, usually along with dysmenorrhoea i.e lower abdominal pain and back ache in some cases. This is what a young girls hear about when she first menstruates. […]
Pandemic and Menstrual Hygiene
Globally, at least 500 million women and girls lack proper access to menstrual hygiene facilities. Due to cultural norms and stigmas, many girls are not adequately informed about the realities of menstruation. And they are facing restrictions and discrimination during periods like not being allowed to use water and sanitation facilities and in some cases even excluded from […]
यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषता सम्बन्धीका अत्यन्तै आधारभूत शब्दवाली र तिनका परिभाषाहरू
यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषता सम्बन्धीका अत्यन्तै आधारभूत शब्दवाली र तिनका परिभाषाहरू यौन विशेषता (Sex characteristics) : यौन विशेषता भन्नाले मानिसको यौनाङ्ग वा प्रजनन अङ्गबाट छुट्टिने शारीरिकी भिन्नता हो । लैङ्गिक पहिचान (Gender identity) : लैङ्गिक पहिचान भन्नाले हरेक व्यक्तिको भित्री मन वा अन्तरात्माबाट लैङ्गिकता सम्बन्धी आएको व्यक्तिगत अनुभूती र अनुभव एवं भित्री […]
यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषतामा YoSHAN को मान्यता
यौन अभिमुखिकरण, लैङ्गिक पहिचान र यौन विशेषतामा YoSHAN को मान्यता बद्लिँदो सामाजिक परिवेश र सिमान्कृत समुदाय, समूह तथा वर्गहरूले आफ्नो हक अधिकारका निम्ति आवाज उठाउँदै गर्दा सामाजिक रूपमा स्वीकार्यत नरहेका लैङ्गिक तथा यौनिक विविधताका समूहहरूको पनि आवाज उत्तिकै बुलन्द हुँदै गएको छ । त्यसै गरी सामाजिक मान्यता भन्दा पर लैङ्गिक तथा यौनिक विविधताहरूलाई समावेश गर्ने […]
SARJAI joint statement
South Asia Reproductive Justice and Accountability Initiative (SARJAI) issued a joint statement calling on the Governments across South Asia to comply with their Constitutional as well as International Human Rights Treaty Obligations and ensure access to essential sexual and reproductive health services during Covid-19 crisis. The SARJAI is a network of organizations, lawyers and legal […]
COVID19: Tele-medicine in Reproductive Health in Nepal
Our core team member Anjila Thapa had recently published her article on tele-medicine in reproductive health in context of Nepal. The article facilitated by YoSHAN was published in SpotLight Nepal. You can access the original article here. The term telemedicine was coined in the 1970s, and literally means, “Healing at a distance”. It was first […]
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is Right to information; Denial is discrimination
Sex has long been taboo for implicit reasons, any word attached with “sex” is highly stigmatised, and people become hyperventilated. People’s understanding of sexuality differs from each other; with a majority of them, understanding sexuality as synonymous with sex and Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is seen as a method to teach about sex and sexual […]
Young People are not beneficiaries, we are the Agents of Change
Reminiscing time from my mid adolescence of when had a vaginal infection, I visited the gynaecological department of a government run hospital near my house. I was very nervous in the first place because sexual health and reproductive health issues of young people is usually scrutinised and tabooed. I mustered all my courage and visited […]
मिलिजुली Talk series 1: Mental Health in COVID19
Welcome to our मिलिजुली Talk Series 1 facilitated by YoSHAN. YoSHAN is a feminist led network working in Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights. Today as our guest we have Ms. Sonal Dhanani from Pakistan. Ms, Sonal is founder of organization Parindey working for mental health. She is a member of the National Youth Council by […]
मिलिजुली Talk Series
Whole world is in danger zone as we are facing the pandemic together. In the perk of maintaining social distance physically and hoping for connection online, YoSHAN comes up with an approach to provide information on corona virus using virtual platforms. We say maintain physical distance but maintain social connection. Here we present you मिलिजुली […]
Safe Abortion in COVID19
संकतको समयमा महिलाहरु र किशोरीहरु विकृत रुपले प्रभावित हुन्छन् । यस्तो समयमा यौन तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सेवा उपेक्षित हुन्छ । सेवामा पहुँच गाहो् साथै माग आपुर्ति गर्न पनि मुस्किल पर्छ । यसको कारण गर्भनिरोधक र सुरक्षित गर्भपतन सेवामा पनि बाधा पुग्छ । जसको कारण धेरै असुरक्षित गर्भपतन गराउने सम्भावना बढ्छ । हामी सबै मिलेर यो […]
जब जोखिम आफ्नै घर भित्र हुन्छ
जब जोखिम आफ्नै घर भित्र हुन्छदेशका विभिन्न स्थानमा सञ्चालन गरिएका क्वारेन्टीनहरु लगायत अन्य सेवा प्रदायक स्थानहरुमा यौनिक तथा लैंगिक अल्पसंख्यक तथा अन्तरलिङ्गीहरुको पहिचान तथा आवश्यकतालाई पनि मध्यनजर गर्दैै सम्बन्धित निकायहरुलाई सोहि अनुरुप यौनिक तथा लैंगिक अल्पसंख्यक तथा अन्तरलिङ्गी मैत्री आवश्यक सेवारसुविधा भेदभाव रहित वातावरणमा उपलव्ध गराउन । कुनै परिवारमा सक्रमण भएको अवस्थामा ति परिवारमा रहेका […]
Menstrual Health in COVID19
Millions of people who menstruate struggle to manage their monthly menstruation safely, comfortably and with dignity. Menstruating girls and women face inadequate access to toilets and water and may lack the most basic materials needed for managing blood flow, such as menstrual products, underwear and soap. Privacy is often scarce, and when toilets are available, […]
जब जोखिम आफ्नै घर भित्र हुन्छ
जब जोखिम आफ्नै घर भित्र हुन्छलकडाउनको समयमा महिला, बालबालिका, अन्तर्लिङ्गी र क्वयेर व्यक्तिहरू, अपाङ्कगता भएका व्यक्तिहरू साथै उच्च जोखिममा परेका र सिमान्तकृत तथा अल्पसंख्यक समुदायहरुका लागि आपm्नो घरनै खतराजनक हुन सक्छ यदि उनीहरु हिंसा र दुव्र्यवहारमा परेका छन् । यसै सिलसिलामा नेपालको संविधानले व्याख्या तथा स्विकार गरेका विभिन्न सिमान्तकृत तथा अल्पसंख्यक समूदायहरुप्रति नेपाल सरकार अझ […]
When the threat is inside!
Globally, 243 million women and girls aged 15-49 have been subjected to sexual and/or physical violence perpetrated by an intimate partner in the previous 12 months. The number is likely to INCREASE as security, health, and money worries heighten tensions and strains are accentuated by cramped and confined living conditions. Emerging data shows that since […]
The term #guff4youth was coined when we were talking about a safe space the young people should have to discussion anything that leads to productivity and positivity. YoSHAN creative core team members came up with a concept to initiate a monthly forum where we invite interested young people through our social media for #guff4youth. Guff […]
Think: My reflection post YAI
~ Niharika Khanal, Youth Champion During the 3 days of Youth Advocacy Institute (YAI) of ASAP and YoSHAN, which in itself was an enthralling experience, we were shown two movies viz, Dirty Dancing and Hysteria. Both of the movies symbolized women, who were an exception to what the society considered ideal. Despite set in different […]
Safe Abortion Rap
~ Aakash Sherpali, Youth Champion 1 2 3, safe abortion is free!4 5 6, safe abortion is not a risk!7 8 9, safe abortion is super fine!10 11 12, its your body your choice, do what is well. 13 14 15Why are you so hateful and mean?16 17 18Respect their choices, no matter adult or […]
No babe, I am not your muse!
~ Garima Nepali, Youth Champion No babe I am not your muse For I will not be decorating your heart I will be burning it instead With extreme questions and Asking the rationales for your answers *** Don’t ever try to tame me Your cages are too small for holding my passions And never wish […]
Pro-choice Poetry
I’m all about a woman’s right I’m all about a woman’s choice To save the lives, please hear our voice Decriminalize abortion, make it stigma free and safe So I can save an innocent’s fate Stop, taking our rights and fight away I’ve never been so aware, so wide awake No, nobody but we can […]
Overview of Safe Abortion Status in Nepal
~Kamala Bist, Youth Champion Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently “induced miscarriage”. The unmodified word abortion generally refers to […]
Patriarchy and Abortion
~ Reena Bhagat, Youth Champion The word’ Patriarchy’ is a combination of ‘Patri’: father, men and ‘Arch’: rule or govern. We are so much obsessed or say under influence of this that we have completely forgotten our mother. This has led us to completely forget women’s contributions to us, our family, society and whole country. […]
How Normal is the “Normal”?
~ Shivani Rayamajhi, Youth Champion Teacher: Who is the head of your family? Student: (Without a second of delay) My father. The title “HEAD” is mostly entitled to male members of the family whether it be grand-father, father, uncle, brother. This all reflect the “PATRIARCHY”. Let’s smash the patriarchy and teach our children a simple equation […]
Voices of Youth Champions
This blog reflects the unified voices of Youth Champions building a youth led movement to promote, protect and advance Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights!